Today millions celebrated and Honored the man that was part of the Civil Rights Movement Dr. Martin Luther King. As I have reflected on his legacy I have wonder if Dr. Martin Luther King hadn't been killed what would it be like now if he were Alive all I know is that what is was doing then he would still be fighting for Justice, Pace, Compassion, and Non-Violence. So I honor Dr. Martin Luther King for being Brave, Bold, and Honest as he journeyed to end Non-Violence and Injustice.
Here is an Interview with Dr. Martin Luther King on Meet the Press on March 28, 1965
One week after leading his historic five-day march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, King said that the demonstration was necessary not just to help push the Voting Rights Bill through, but to draw attention to the humiliating conditions in Alabama such as police brutality and racially-motivated murder.
Dr.Martin Luther King on Meet the Press
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