Letter from Rick Geswell, CCFA President
This is already shaping up to be an exciting year for CCFA with our Take Steps and Team Challenge events gearing up for spring. I want to thank you for being a part of our successes throughout 2011. Friends like you not only provide us with the support necessary to fund brilliant IBD research and patient programs, you are also the fabric of our community.
In case you missed last month's webcast, Managing IBD: Taking Charge of Your Disease, an archive is now available online. Listen to physician expert Miguel D. Regueiro, MD discuss how to effectively manage IBD through treatment and lifestyle approaches. In addition to a recording of the webcast, the archive includes an extended Q&A with Dr. Regueiro.
Oh behalf of all of us at CCFA, have a happy and healthy New Year!
Moving Forward: Denise's Story
Denise Lindberg was devastated when, at 36 years old, she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. An extremely active, self-sufficient person, Denise felt like her life had suddenly come to an end. But she decided her disease would not take away her business, or her independence.
Today Denise's business is flourishing, and she has run multiple half-marathons, including two with Team Challenge. "You do not get to choose the hurdles which lie in front of you," says Denise. "You choose instead how you construct a path to get around and through the hurdles. Take charge, and move forward."
Read Denise’s inspirational story in her own words.
CCFA Helps You Find Clinical Trials
Clinical trials of new medications are crucial in the search for better treatments and a cure for IBD. Enrolling in a trial, however, is an important decision and a careful process for patients. To facilitate the search for trials, CCFA created the IBD Clinical Trials section of our website.
Here you will find a list of ongoing treatment and non-treatment studies and information on getting involved in research study. You can also read about the experiences some patients have had while being enrolled in a clinical trial. People who wish to participate in a study should discuss the opportunity with their personal physician. Learn more about what participation in a study entails!
2011 Advances in IBD Conference
The 2011 Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Clinical & Research Conference held last month in Hollywood, FL was an outstanding event! With more than 1,700 healthcare professionals participating, 50 expert specialists offering over 80 education presentations, and 300 abstracts accepted for presentation, this conference is a "can't miss" update for those studying and managing patients with IBD.
CCFA was proud to honor three leaders for their exceptional dedication to improving the quality of life for the 1.4 million Americans afflicted with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: Richard P. MacDermott, MD, FACP, AGAF, MACG, Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, and Charles O. Elson, III, MD. Read more about these exceptional researchers and their work.
Support Research for Happier Lives
The number of IBD patients keeps growing. Help CCFA fund cutting-edge research to treat and cure IBD. Your gift can help improve the quality of life of many patients.
Sticking to your New Year's resolutions goes a long way towards healthier living. Find out what specific dietary restrictions you need to get on the right track. Healthy starts here!
Be Determined – Win an iPod!
Are you determined to take charge of your IBD? Let us know – you could win an iPod touch! Check out our latest patient resource, I'll Be Determined.When you post on the Wall before Jan. 31, you'll be entered to win an 8G iPod touch®! See the site's "Terms of Use" page for contest rules and details.
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