Check this story OUT! About a Hiker by the name Peter who is Hiking for Crohn's.
Here is HIS STORY My name is Peter and everyday I live with Crohn’s disease.
Since the age of 8, I’ve lived with intense stomach pain. It all started at a young age when I was still in elementary school, and it has continued into adulthood. Throughout my life I have been diagnosed with stomach ailments such as GIRD, IBD and now Crohn’s. Pain is a constant companion in my life, which makes you live it differently than everyone else. It makes me feel like a strange superhero that can spot a bathroom from a mile away.
Just over a year ago I decided to take control of my life and I started a new diet and exercise program, which has transformed me. I am not, by any means, symptom-free, but the pain has subsided, the medication is gone and I am finally able to live my life.
That’s why I’m hiking the 3,000 mile, 5-month long Continental Divide Trail (CDT) starting on April 20th. It starts on the Mexican border and finishes on the Canadian border. I am hiking the trail to live out a dream but also to show that for those of us that suffer from diseases such as Crohn’s and colitis, we can still live a normal, active life. Nature will be my cure and therapy and I look forward to sharing it all with you, while raising awareness. Follow me as I hike along the ‘Backbone of America’ on the CDT through my Facebook page: Couch2CDT, Twitter: @Couch2CDT, and my blog at: CouchtoCDT.wordpress.com.
You can support Peter and the nearly 1 in 200 Americans with IBD at: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=241603.
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